Betty Chandler

Betty ChandlerPosition: Parent Resource Liaison

School: Eccleston Elementary

School District: Orange County Public Schools

City, State: Orlando, Florida

About the Nominee: Ms. Chandler has been a part of the Eccleston Community her entire life. She has worked with Orange County Public Schools for over 40 years and now works at Eccleston Elementary, helping to provide resources such as food and clothing for our students and their families. She has an enormous heart and will do anything for anybody. She gives herself away to meet the needs of families that may be less fortunate and seeks help from various agencies to donate food, clothing, furniture, appliances, or other necessities to keep families thriving! She works with donors to supply clothing and new shoes to students and works with families to help them find housing and jobs, helping with utilities as well as access to education for themselves and their children. She has changed the lives of so many families for the better! Recently, she secured 400 tickets for the students to travel to see the Chocolate Nutcracker live. The majority of the students would not have had the opportunity to do that without the provided tickets and transportation. Ms. Chandler always has open arms for the students, parents, and teachers. Anyone who needs help, she will go the extra mile to help them out. Some call her the “energizer bunny” because the minute she steps into the school, she is non-stop running to assist parents and teacher. Her dedication to helping families runs deep. She is a blessing to all she meets.

31 thoughts on “Betty Chandler

  1. Yeah Ms. Chandler! No one deserves it more, your generous loving heart makes you the winner to me.

  2. Betty Chandler is phenomenal. She has changed so many lives and helped so many through the generations. Families come back to visit her year after year as their children and grandchildren attend Eccleston ES and look forward to her loving support.

  3. Miss Betty is an inspiration and has literally changed the lives of thousands of students, millions when you think of her exponential effects, through her work at Eccleston. She is that person, that ONE person for too many, who shows her love for you, is interested in all you do and does everything in her power to make your life better. She is the epitome of what this award stands for and has been for 50+ years!

  4. Thank you, Mrs. Chandler! We are so grateful for all that you do to help our students get much needed items. Your help allows the learning process to continue with much greater ease when the hierarchy of needs is fulfilled. Thank you for your love and encouragement! Numbers 6:24-26

  5. We love Ms Chandler and I’m cheering for her that she is recognized for such goodness of spirit. She takes such good care of our families and is truly an amazing person, one I’m blessed to know. With such a warm heart and wide outreach, she is really really really a life changer for so many. Yeah Ms Chandler!!!!

  6. Congrats Betty! Your heart, commitment, and the services that you provide our families help the students have healthy and safe lifestyles so they can focus on learning and achieve academic gains! Parents and family members know they can visit you to receive tools for helping with homework, parent resources, and information for adult learning resources. Your friendly attitude helps bring volunteers, community members, and local businesses to our school to assist and support us. You are an asset for building community, providing resources, and for reminding each child that they deserve to be nurtured and encouraged. Thank you and good luck!

  7. Congratulations Mrs. Chandler! Mrs. Chandler is such a dedicated and hard working part of Eccleston and the surrounding community. Generations of families have been impacted by her commitment to the school and community. From providing food, tutoring, getting outside resources to just being a figure of stability with encouraging words, she does it! She does everything for others and expects nothing in return! Best of luck Mrs. Chandler! I cannot think of person more deserving!

  8. Congratulations to you, Ms. Chandler!!!!! If ever anyone is deserving on such an acknowledgement, that would be you. You are an awesome woman. You inspire others just being who you have been called to be “yourself”. I count it as a priviledge just to work at the same location as you and to be able to say “yes, I know Ms. Chandler”. You are a Blessing to so many others. To see you do all the things you do on a daily basis, I know God is real. Ms. Chandler, you are what God meant by having a pure heart. Thank you for always being there to giving of yourself.

  9. I love you Ms. Chandler! You continue to help us soar at Eccleston Elementary with your kindness!

  10. Betty,
    You deserve this for all you do for Eccleston and the community. I love working with you and hope to until I retire since I know you won’t. 🙂

  11. Congratulations on your nomination, Ms. Chandler!
    You are indeed a creative genius, and a life changer! Your love and devotion to our school, students, teachers, parents and community has not gone unnoticed, We love you and appreciate the all of the services you have rendered throughout the years. Your Positive and Energizing Spirit has on many occasions helped to unite us as a school family and launch us in the right directions.

  12. Congratulations Ms. Chandler and thanks for all you do for the staff, students and parents of Eccleston. You are trully an asset to Orange County Public Schools!

  13. A blessing to know. When you are introduced or approached by Ms. Chandler you will never forget her. Ms. Chandler has never met a stranger because she greets you and make you feel like family. Congrats Ms. Chandler you deserve it and more.

  14. In our view, there is NO ONE person that deserves the lifechanger award more than Betty Chandler. She is the hardest working person I’ve personally ever met, and is ALWAYS thinking of the children first. She is an organizer, a volunteer, a fundraiser extraordinaire , and is the main reason we have been educational partners with Eccleston for 20+ years. I am personally proud to know Betty Chandler.
    We believe she is deserving of the award – and we are hopeful that she is your pick as the biggest life changer to the children whose lives she’s touched – over an amazing 40 YEARS !

    Respectfully submitted,
    Jeff Brake
    Brake Educational Media, Inc.

  15. Betty Chandler is just amazing! She is such a great advocate for her students and her school. She is always trying to find a way to promote her school and get needed resources for her school and her students. As the director of the Orange County Library System, I find it so easy to work with Betty. She is a great promoter of learning and encourages all her students to stretch their minds and read, read, read.
    She helps us extend our reach into Eccleston School and helps her students access all the library’s resources that supplement what the school does. She encourages all the students to get and USE their library cards. I could not find a better partner for the Orange County Library System!!! Go Betty !!!

  16. Congratulations to the nominee! It is an honor well deserved. Ms. Chandler is the epitome of “My Brother’s Keeper”. Being part of Ms. Chandler’s volunteer group is an honor and privilege to be of service to Eccleston. You are never a stranger in her presence. She is a warm and caring person who loves to share big bear hugs. She is a dedicated worker who exudes optimism and is very determined to make her efforts at Eccleston a success.

  17. Congratulations! Ms. Chandler is such an assest to Eccleston Elementary and the community. Parents, teachers and students all know where to turn if a student is in need for shoes, food, clothes or school supplies. You so deserve it and more!

  18. Mrs. Chandler is such a positive and devoted member of the Eccleston family. She would do anything for “our babies”. She reminds me of this determination every time I see her (at least once a week as I am a school volunteer). If there is a need, you will find Mrs. Chandler trying to use all resources known to her to fill the need for the students and their parents. Congratulations on national recognition for your outstanding work and dedication!

  19. While I have never met Betty face-to-face, we have emailed and spoken on the phone for years. She is absolutely amazing in her energy and determination to make sure that the Eccleston community has everything they need for a better life, and not just the students, but the parents and grandparents also. I never would have guessed her age, until I read a newspaper article about her! She is my example to follow! There are many people in this world who call themselves ‘ministers’, but Betty truly defines what a minister should be.

  20. I have known Betty Chandler for over 10 years, having served as a reading mentor at Eccleston for that period of time. She has been a mentor to me for all of that time. I have never known anyone so focused on the needs of others, both her students and their extended families in her community. She is an awesome inspiration to me and to those who serve with me as mentors at Eccleston. Through that inspiration our mentoring team at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church has increased to 12 serving Eccleston and 4 other local elementary schools. Betty’s devotion to needy ones has a ripple effect that enlists others to serve. No one is more deserving of this honor than Betty Chandler.

  21. Congratulations. I know how Ms. Chandler has touched so many people over the years. She has changed my life and touched me. Her life experiences and stories has always made me look up to her. What better role model or recipient of this award than Ms. Chandler.

  22. Before I became a teacher, I was in the school supply business and had the pleasure of working with Betty Chandler on a number of occasions. She always treated me like family and was very professional in everything she did. She had a wonderful way of making everyone feel at home and her love for her profession and for the children was always evident. Betty is the best!!!
    ……………..Tim Regan, Carver Middle School

  23. Mrs. Chandler is an amazing woman and a loving mother and grandmother to all she meets. Her never-ending effort helping children is evident in everything she does. She is simply a force of nature and I am honored to know her. Mrs. Chandler is a source of love, knowledge, and inspiration to all who know (and love!) her.
    My husband and I got to know each other while volunteering with Mrs. Chandler several years ago. She inspired us in our love of helping children and we brought our love of art to Eccleston. That love carries on today.
    We hope that Mrs. Chandler will receive this award, but we know she does not do this for accolades. She does all of this for love and we love her.

  24. “I’ll love you forever, like you for always; as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be!”
    “I’ll love you forever, like you for always; as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be!”
    Betty Chandler; forty years, thousands of children and each and every one, after their very first encounter with her, knew the meaning of those words. Betty Chandler is simply a Life Changer; not for a year, but for a Life time!

  25. Having met and heard about you through the mentoReach program at Eccleston, your love and dedication to the students is a blessing to them and an inspiration to the rest of us.
    Thank you for all you do…and congratulations on the well-deserved nomination.

  26. The amazing thing about Betty Chandler is from the moment you meet her you know she loves you and visa versa. She is always looking out for the good of her students, teachers, support people and her community. It is a privilege to know her and an honor to count her as a friend.
    Barbara Hart

  27. My Mother worked with Betty from the time I was five until I had been married for several years. She always spoke highly of her dedication to her “children” and of the impact Betty had on so many lives. I had many chances over the years to observe Betty in action; she is phenomenal! Jayne Powell

  28. Betty Chandler is a wonderful, kind-hearted person who goes above and beyond. I have worked with Betty for years and know her as generous to all, has a strong commitment to school and the community. Congratulations on this nomination!

  29. This is something well deserved. Her love for these children is like a ripple effect. No one I know has made the wellbeing and education of a child so personal than that of Ms. Chandler. From my family to you, thank you and we love you.

  30. Congratulations Ms. Chandler!!! You definitely deserve this award. Know that you are loved and appreciated by the staff and students of Eccleston. You always go out of your way to make sure others, especially our students have whatever they need. When I need results and someone caring to talk to, I can always count on you. God bless you!!

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