Susan Jane Landis

Position: 9-12th Grade Spanish and Humanities Teacher

School: Longfellow Academy

School District: Dayton Public Schools

City, State: Dayton, Ohio

About the Nominee: A special leader, educator, and instructor has emerged to exceed the “average” demands and qualifications of teaching at Longfellow Academy. Jane Landis has made a beneficial difference in the lives of students by not only facilitating a positive, enhancing learning environment but by also tackling the constant urban issues that plagued her pupils; issues that can potentially effect and hinder her students ability to learn. Not a lot of teachers are capable of completing such an arduous task. Not a lot of teachers are willing to rise to such an occasion. The compassion, ardor, and drive that she possesses to make a difference in young kids lives remains unmatched! Her innate capacity to change and shape her students lives is something that could have never been taught or learned in training. Ms. Landis displays leadership at the school level and has a proven record of excellent performance through her position as a member of the Building Leadership Team, through her role as Department Chair and as coach of the Softball Team. She is needed in so many young peoples lives. A former student said that she is pursuing her doctorate because of the role Ms. Landis played in her educational endeavors. Allow her to play this same role for another young person that needs her and to expand that young person’s ambitions, and they will begin believing in themselves a little more each class session, growing, prospering, and blossoming between each sounding school bell, becoming greater than expectations or statistics, flourishing in originality, knowledge, and confidence.